Please read more information on the steps we are taking to protect our team and community during this challenging time.

In light of recent developments around Covid-19, we wanted to keep you informed of the steps we are taking to protect both our community and our team.

We want to start with a heartfelt thank you to our community for the ongoing support in these uncertain times, and with a commitment to our clients – past, current and future – to continue to provide the best service, guidance and support that we can.

As a team we’re endeavouring to embrace the situation as it unfolds, innovating solutions as we go, and trying to ensure that those who want to move home at this time can do so.


From this week we are offering digital alternatives to face-to-face meetings for market appraisals and our team of specialists will be on hand as always to discuss their current experience of the market and offer guidance. Please just email our teams with a request and some dates and times you are available, and we set up a zoom conference or facetime if easier and if you are on an Apple device. For the Bishops Waltham area appraisals it’s for Hedge End its, and for Fair Oak its They are all monitoring there emails daily.

You can just chat about the market and how we see things developing over the next 3 to 6 months or show us round your property from your camera phone and we will give you a guide on value.

For any sales chasing on current sales please contact


Viewings we are currently being booked for three weeks in advance and we will notify people if these are changed.

If one thing has become clear this week, it is that our homes are more important than ever as places of safety and sanctuary. They are the places we are turning to now for nourishment, inspiration and creativity. Our focus has always been on what it means to live in a modern way at home, and over the coming weeks we’ll be using our platform to share insights, ideas and stories on what it means to live well now, and how our relationship with our homes is thrown into a new light in these uncertain times. Please look at our facebook page for these updates and information.

We hope that we can be informative, amusing and inspiring in equal measure, and make these strange days feel just a little bit easier.

As always, we’re ready to help wherever and whenever we can.

Your team at White & Guard.